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Portfolio Perks
Dedicated account managers for startups who are curious about Facebook advertising
Hubspot is an all-in-one CRM that helps your company grow. Save up to 90% on the tools you need
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Aspire offers exclusive perks to help overseas startups with incorporation, business banking and up to $450 of credits rewards
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Up to SGD 50K fee-free processing, priority support and free implementation of Stripe, one of the leading payment gateways globally
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Qapita offers 15% discount off subscription and onboarding fee waiver for Saison portfolio companies
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Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub offers free credit to OpenAI, Azure and many more Microsoft services
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Mixpanel analytics offer benefits and credits over 12 months through their startup program​
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Google Cloud helps budding entrepreneurs with up to $100,000 Google Cloud Credit in your first year
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Discounted pricing, industry events and growth community with startups from MoEngage.
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Lark is an enterprise productivity suite developed by ByteDance. Get 6-month complimentary Lark Pro subscription, mentorship, and other tech perks.
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CouldKeeper is an AWS cost optimization solution that can save customers 4-20% of their AWS bill right away.
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